Latest offers on

Town available from rent bills Size in sqm (qm) Street
Strand-WG / shared apartment close to beach (shortterm/longterm) Palma de Mallorca, Spanien 13.05.18
470€ /Mon
+200€ /We
20€ /Mon
00€ /We
17 Calle del Rector Jaume Vallés other...
Palma - puro centro Palma 15.11.17
1800€ /Mon
500€ /We
80€ /day
150€ /Mon
50€ /We
10€ /day
180 Carrer del Conquistador other...
2 para Portixol Palma - Portixol 01.01.18
420€ /Mon
165€ /We
55€ /day
30€ /Mon
8€ /We
2€ /day
21 Carrer Joan Maragall other...
Centro Palma Palma de Mallorca 01.12.17
580€ /Mon
180€ /We
40€ /day
30€ /Mon
15€ /We
00€ /day
23 Carrer Can Armengol other...
Simply Sleep Palma de Mallorca 15.06.17
420€ /Mon
250€ /We
30€ /day
10€ /Mon
10€ /We
5€ /day
16 Cala Gamba other...
Palma - Relax WG Palma - Coll d En Rabassa 15.06.18
480€ /Mon
250€ /We
49€ /day
10€ /Mon
10€ /We
00€ /day
16 Paseo Cala Gamba other...
Praktikumszimmer Innenstadt Düsseldorf 01.04.17
418€ /Mon
250€ /We
22€ /Mon
10€ /We
18 Hüttenstrasse other...
Zentrales Kurzzeit-WG Zimmer Düsseldorf 01.08.16
410€ /Mon
180€ /We
22€ /day
25€ /Mon
00€ /We
00€ /day
22 Kaiserstrasse other...
Flipflop WG 07100 Sóller 15.05.16
460€ /Mon 20€ /Mon 22 Carrer de Prosperitatn other...
Style Room Calvià 01.05.16
2000€ /Mon
500€ /We
180€ /day
40€ /Mon
10€ /We
4€ /day
22 Carrer Major other... - the new website with the best service for your room search!

Living on the popular resort island in Spain is part of the new dimension and life philosophy. There are many good reasons to stay in Mallorca, for which you can find a place on

- Holiday & Recreation: Short term apartments and rooms with or without breakfast as an alternative to hotels.

- Long-term vacation: just search a few months or a summer of new inspiration with sun and sea.

- Training for sports events: ideal for finding a place to stay for a few weeks of training of your body and mind.

- Study: Erasmus & More - Whether studying at the University of Palma or stay on the island to concentrate for your tests and dissertation. Mallorca offers the perfect environment.

- Internship: Not only big tourism companies and hotel chains have their headquarters in Mallorca. The practice you need can be found not only in Palma, the tenth largest sity of Spain with over half a million inhabitants.

- New job opportunities: Especially in the holiday season, many temporary jobs are offered in the tourism and hospitality industries. is a premier source for your first moments on the island.

- Look after a Finca: No one wants to leave his apartment or his Finca alone permanently. Here you can find temporary residents or a guardian

Why not offer your rooms for rent while you are away for an extended weekend. helps you: student apartment, internship stay, housesharing for professionals, senior citizen house share, vacation rentals, apartment rentals and plenty more.

We at believe that the requirements are changing constantly in our high-tech digital world. With the holiday apartments websites such as AirBnB, or the friends-share-pages such as Couchsurfing & Co. a number of completely new oportunities have shown up. Now with we make it even easier to experience new models of sharing a place and sharing a live up to your needs. Meet interesting people or reduce housing costs: provides you with new options for living together.

Search on anonymously and with just a few clicks.

And please let us know if you have ideas on how we can make the website better to fit your needs. We look forward to your feedback and wish you much success here !!

Your team of

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